We were talking in class today about ill-posed vs. well-posed problems.
(1) Provide one example of a computer vision problem that is ill-posed, different from the examples discussed in class, and different from those listed on Slide 22 in the deck for the 01/15 lecture.
If you are thinking about your semester project already, and you think it's an ill-posed computer vision problem, provide that one as your example.
(2) Say which Hadamard's criteria are not satisfied and explain why (be precise: saying that — for instance — "solution is not unique" is part of the answer; explain why the solution is not unique).
Note: use AI tools for this one (e.g., ChatGPT), if you want. That's actually a lot of fun (and fun is needed!) But think about it as your "brainstorming buddy" or "inspirational trigger". Do not copy-paste its output (that, of course, would be cheating). Instead use it to make your understating of this part of the material better. Tell us (as part of your response) how you used such tools (if you did).
Prepare your response in a Google doc and share it with our TA Louisa (lconwill@nd.edu).