Digital Image and Video Forensics

Keywords: forensics, forgery detection, data hiding, source identification, sensor fingerprinting
Spring 2008 - Present
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Digital images are everywhere - from our cell phones to the pages of our online news sites. How we choose to use digital image processing raises a surprising host of legal and ethical questions that we must address. What are the ramifications of hiding data within an innocent image? Is this an intentional security practice when used legitimately, or intentional deception? Is tampering with an image appropriate in cases where the image might affect public behavior? Does an image represent a crime, or is it simply a representation of a scene that has never existed? Before action can even be taken on the basis of a questionable image, we must detect something about the image itself. Investigators from a diverse set of fields require the best possible tools to tackle the challenges presented by the malicious use of today's digital image processing techniques.

In this work, we are exploring the emerging field of digital image forensics, including the main topic areas of source camera identification, forgery detection, and steganalysis. In source camera identification, we seek to identify the particular model of a camera, or the exact camera, that produced an image. Forgery detection's goal is to establish the authenticity of an image, or to expose any potential tampering the image might have undergone. With steganalysis, the detection of hidden data within an image is performed, with a possible attempt to recover any detected data.

This work was supported by Air Force STTR Award No. FA9550-05-C-0172, DARPA and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) agreement numbers FA8750-16-2-0173 and FA8750-20-2-1004, USAID agreement number 7200AA18CA00054, and the NVIDIA Corporation.


  • "Motif Mining: Finding and Summarizing Remixed Image Content,"
    William Theisen, Daniel Gonzalez, Zachariah Carmichael, Daniel Moreira,
    Tim Weninger, Walter Scheirer,
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
    January 2023.
  • "SILA: A System For Scientific Image Analysis,"
    Daniel Moreira, Joao P. Cardenuto, Ruiting Shao, Sriram Baireddy, Davide Cozzolino,
    Diego Gragnaniello
    , Wael Abd-Almageed, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tubaro,
    Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer, Luisa Verdoliva, Edward J. Delp,
    Scientific Reports,
    October 2022.
  • "Forensic Analysis of Synthetically Generated Western Blot Images,"
    Sara Mandelli, Davide Cozzolino, Joao P. Cardenuto, Daniel Moreira, Paolo Bestagini,
    Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Luisa Verdoliva, Stefano Tubaro, Edward J. Delp,
    May 2022.
  • "Image Provenance Analysis (Chapter),"
    Daniel Moreira, William Theisen, Walter J. Scheirer, Aparna Bharati,
    Joel Brogan, Anderson Rocha,
    Multimedia Forensics (Springer),
    April 2022.
  • "Fast Local Spatial Verification for Feature-Agnostic Large-Scale Image Retrieval,"
    Joel Brogan, Aparna Bharati, Daniel Moreira, Kevin Bowyer, Patrick Flynn,
    Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP),
    July 2021.
  • "Learning Transformation-Aware Embeddings for Image Forensics,"
    Aparna Bharati, Daniel Moreira, Patrick Flynn, Anderson Rocha, Kevin Bowyer,
    Walter J. Scheirer,
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS),
    January 2021.
  • "Automatic Discovery of Political Meme Genres with Diverse Appearances,"
    William Theisen, Joel Brogan, Pamela Bilo Thomas, Daniel Moreira, Pascal Phoa,
    Tim Weninger
    , Walter J. Scheirer,
    Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM),
    June 2021.
  • "An AI Early Warning System to Monitor Online Disinformation, Stop Violence, and Protect Elections,"
    Michael Yankoski, Tim Weninger, Walter J. Scheirer,
    Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
    March 2020.
  • "Beyond Pixels: Image Provenance Analysis Leveraging Metadata,"
    Aparna Bharati, Daniel Moreira, Joel Brogan, Patricia Hale, Kevin Bowyer,
    Patrick Flynn, Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer,
    IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
    January 2019.
  • "Image Provenance Analysis at Scale,"
    Daniel Moreira, Aparna Bharati, Joel Brogan, Allan Pinto, Michael Parowski,
    Kevin Bowyer, Patrick Flynn, Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP),
    December 2018.
  • "Provenance Filtering for Multimedia Phylogeny,"
    Allan Pinto, Daniel Moreira, Aparna Bharati, Joel Brogan, Kevin Bowyer, Patrick Flynn,
    Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
    September 2017.
  • "U-Phylogeny: Undirected Provenance Graph Construction in the Wild,"
    Aparna Bharati, Daniel Moreira, Allan Pinto, Joel Brogan, Kevin Bowyer, Patrick Flynn,
    Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
    September 2017.
  • "Spotting the Difference: Context Retrieval and Analysis for Improved Forgery Detection
    and Localization,"
    Joel Brogan, Paolo Bestagini, Aparna Bharati, Allan Pinto, Daniel Moreira, Kevin Bowyer,
    Patrick Flynn, Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
    September 2017.
  • "Open Set Source Camera Attribution and Device Linking,"
    Filipe de O. Costa, Ewerton Silva, Michael Eckmann, Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha,
    Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL),
    April 2014.
  • "Open Set Source Camera Attribution," (Best Student Paper Award)
    Filipe de O. Costa, Michael Eckmann, Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha
    Proceedings of XXV SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images,
    August 2012.
  • "Vision of the Unseen: Current Trends and Challenges in Digital Image and Video Forensics,"
    Anderson Rocha, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, Siome Goldenstein,
    ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),
    October 2011.
  • "The Unseen Challenge Data Sets,"
    Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Terrance E. Boult, Siome Goldenstein,
    Proceedings of the First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of the Unseen,
    June 2008.